Released 9/14/06

Omar Rajab Mohammad Rajab Amin -- is an agricultural supervisor for the Care Houses department of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. In 1993 he began working for Kuwait’s Combined Relief Committee, assisting refugees in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He married a Bosnian woman in 1994, returning to Kuwait in 1998 where he lived happily with his wife and four children.

When the refugee situation arose in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, Omar collected money and took a short leave of absence from work to assist the refugees. He intended to return to Kuwait quickly as his five-year old son was scheduled for a heart operation. He had never been to Afghanistan or Pakistan before, and most likely tried to flee with the other refugee workers when the violence erupted.

Meanwhile, his son was operated on successfully and his wife was pregnant with their fifth child. In a Red Cross letter he wrote from Guantanamo, he says, “My dear wife, I pray that you are well and in good health and I hope that you will receive this message after you have safely given birth to the newly born baby…Please be advised that my imprisonment will not be for long. I have always done good for those who are in distress.”